Saturday, July 16, 2011

We're out!

I actually wrote this post this morning, but somehow deleted it and apparently there's no way to "undo" on the app I was using.

Funny anecdote: Emily was searching for images of the syndrome and several pictures of Eva came up in Google from my last post, which I think shows just how rare this is. I quickly removed the word from the post, so hopefully they will disappear.

Getting out of the hospital was relatively smooth, aided by Sophia, a colleague's daughter. She helped us finagle the hospital-->car-->lunch-->home transition. The twins went to bed early but Sam took a big nap, so we could be up for a while. I think tomorrow it will just be and Sam and/or Eli at church. Emily and Eva get the day to rest.

That's our news. We're both still trying to make sense of this very weird week. We're looking forward to some sort of resolution on Tuesday and are thankful for supportive family and friends.

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