Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Day 2

Nothing new to report today, but we're hoping we'll get results tomorrow from some of the tests that have been done: blood, urine, x-ray, and EKG. Eva refused to sleep for the MRI, so that's tomorrow. (The doctor unhelpfully suggested we discourage her from sleeping tonight so she can sleep for it. Um, no.) Anyway, she's gone from 5.2 kg at entrance to almost 6.2 kg today. So that is a big improvement.

We're still not sure what to make of this. Is the dehydration the cause or the symptom? Were her teeth bugging her and she stopped eating as well? This is what we're hoping for. A couple of genetic syndromes were suggested, but they're all super rare and have symptoms Eva doesn't have.

Eva herself looked a lot better today. She was cooing and smiling when I came in this morning. She slept a fair amount today, but did seem to have more pep.

That's what we know! We're both feeling pretty exhausted. I had trouble sleeping last night. I'm going to try to get Sam to bed at a more reasonable hour tonight. Eli's already down. They both seem enthusiastic about life. Hopefully we'll have more clarity in the next few days.

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