Friday, July 22, 2011

Waiting, waiting

Lately I've been singing this song to myself. It's a Taize song they sing in chapel here. It probably makes the most sense during Advent, but in a sense we're living in Advent right now.

Good things: it's a beautiful sunny day to day, we're getting over our colds, I did some reading yesterday and Emily went to class, took a walk with Sam and Eli this morning, Emily's going to swim with Sam later, found a good online group that knows about what B's looks like for people with it.

However, Eva's gone from 6.8 to 6.5kg which is making us a little nervous. If she goes down to 6.3 we probably should take her in for an IV. Not the end of the world, but obviously would be nice if we didn't have to go in that direction. We're trying a wider range of potassium rich foods: carrots, prunes, grape juice, etc. All are supposed to be good.

I'm off to do play-dough with Sam. More later!

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