Sunday, December 25, 2011


Below is a post I'd meant to enter earlier, but had just saved as a draft, and I've now added some pictures...

We did Christmas in stages this year--my parents said it sounded to them like the 7 days of Christmas. In early December, when Emily's parents were here, Sam got a new cement truck. It's a Tonka and is super sturdy. I see all three kids enjoying it in the years ahead. Sam also got some books then, like "Goodnight, goodnight, construction site." He had a really fun time with it.

Last Friday I wrapped up some of the presents and put them under the tree. When Sam came home he was outraged that he couldn't open them all (this was his first time with presents under the tree where he knew what a present is). I let him open two presents, including "Wall-E" (a dvd) and then quick hid the rest.  Saturday night he opened two small presents while I skyped with my present, and on Christmas he opened a block set we'd gotten him with a little crane and a dump truck. I like the Duplo Legos because they're essentially unbreakable and unswollowable. Sam's enjoying them and now has some little people and animals that go with the set.

Yesterday really was pretty exhuasting. At the neighbors, Eli broke a fruitbowl and Sam whacked the 8-year old by accident. I still sometimes feel like we're not really presentable for the public as a family. On the other hand, I know they have to be socialized, and part of this family, but some of it also has to come from church, school, neighbors, etc. It is a little exhausting.

That is our life. We have a ham and potatoes so I think we're basically set for a New Year's eve dinner sometime. However, perhaps next week will be a little more quiet.


This only gives a hint of the day, but it was a very nice baptism service (long--two hours-ish). Our friend YH really saved us by coming along. We also went to the English service and saw a lot of people, and then went to friends' tonight. It was pretty exhausting, but I told Emily I think this is a Christmas we'll remember.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Busy days

These days before Christmas are often a little busier. This week I haven't had classes at school, but there's still a lot to be done. I met with a thesis student, worked on a syllabus, did a shopping trip and took Eva for her innoculations. Emily and I had a morning out after Sam's performance for school (the monthly birthday celebration). Life is good but busy.

We find that twins is still an adjustment. Now that Em's parents are gone we have whole weekends to deal with again. Yesterday we spent some time talking about how to make them better. Getting three together and out the door isn't easy, and we have slightly different ideas of the best way to do things (I'd tend to rather have all threee for a couple of hours and then a total break, whereas Em finds all three too much). I don't think there's a perfect way to do this, and we have developed some good coping meganisms (staggered sleep! a list of places to go, long Sundays at church, and so on). I keep trying to remember that this is situational, and that it will improve with time. Today while I was skyping with my parents it was fun to watch the three kids interact with each other. While this includes a certain amount of competition (Sam takes Eva's toy, Eva takes Eli's binky, Eli cries), it holds forth the slightest glimmer of a day when we can tell our kids to go away and play with each other.

Sunday is the baptism. I think it will be nice. It will be a long Sunday, since we should leave around 9 and also have lunch and English service and dinner with friends. Emily and I were realizing this is our first real "whole nuclear family" Christmas. Last year only sort of counts, because the twins were so tiny then and we still had family around. This year we are trying to figure out what the traditions are and how to do things. I realized pretty much every Christmas my family loves to go see movies. Emily's tends to go to the zoo or public events. Hopefully we'll get a nice mix of the traditions. On Wednesday I took Sam to Arthur Christmas, which was really fun. The 3D glasses don't quite fit him, but he loves being in the theater and we went to dinner beforehand, and we got to ride the buses home. Next year will be fun with the lighting of the trees in P-town, time with different family members, and Christmas around others. This year is still kind of a trial run.

I find the to-do list always stretches a bit longer than I'd planned. We haven't done Christmas cards yet, but did buy some yesterday. Presents aren't wrapped. I submitted a job expense and then at some point I need to do the medical receipts for the last year. I have another manuscript project (smaller) to wrap up by the end of the year. Grading will be really, really ugly this year, since the number of students is higher. That's the list!

In the middle of it all, we're trying to keep some of the mystery and joy of the season. Sam brought home glutonous balls from school yesterday for the solstice and we love having our Christmas tree up. We're cooking some familiar foods and enjoying the special-ness of this time. It helps that we get the national new year's break in another month, although we're a little terrified of watching all three kids for such a stretch. Exciting days!

Friday, December 16, 2011

Emily did fine

Just a quick note that Emily made it through her preproposal with no problems. The much-feared grilling did not occur, and she said the presentation and about a half-dozen questions/suggestions were fairly smooth. Just as she started skype the babies both began crying, so I stayed in with them. I think they heard the call and woke up, and the dehumidifier had filled up, so there was no background noise. I emptied the machine and then I strolled Eli and held Eva. Afterwards Eva clapped for Emily.

This step isn't necessarily a huge one, but it's one of those "speak now or..." moments. It gives Emily a chance to introduce her work to others in the program and to get feedback. That there were no big snags is a great sign. I think her committee likes what she is doing and approves. Hopefully she's within a month of the proposal defense and would have six months to take her 130 pages to 200-300 pages. I think she may be past the tipping point, which would be great. I know a family friend had told my mom "sometimes it's easier to finish than to not finish," and hopefully Emily is within range of her goal now.

Em's parents should be back home now. They really gave us a Herculean effort and helped us do a lot we wouldn't have been able to do otherwise. We each made steps on big projects. The babies are more mobile. Sam got a lot of two-on-one time and seems very happy with life. I think it will be a fun weekend for him. We did some socializing, which is important for being part of different communities here. I got through a couple of sermons and the hardest part of the semester. We managed to pass on some of our baby things and seem to be turning a corner. Emily really has a handle on what she needs to do now.

It's 4:30 am here. I slept enough earlier to wake me up, but I think I can probably go back to sleep now. I hope to update with more pictures and other posts in the coming days.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Christmas Tree

This is the first "big" Christmas tree we've had as a family, now in its third year. Sam likes it a lot and enjoyed decorating it. We have to barricade the babies, who are moving increasingly fast. Fun times.

Ginger Bread House

Here's Sam making the gingerbread house. Emily said it was fun, and we've been slowly eating the house, since we don't think it will last long with the humidity.

Manuscript is in

It's been kind of a crazy week. Yesterday I mailed in the 500 page manuscript for the project I've been working on with my advisor. It felt good to be at this point, and the hope is that it will take some of the pressure off that I've had from the deadline.

Classes are coming along. I struggle sometimes with trying to teach in fields where I know a set of students is checked out, or where I have radically different teaching options. In general I am fairly happy, but I know this is a kind of perennial concern.

Everyone else is coming along. Em's preproposal is set for next Friday, so that is stressing her out a bit. It's another thing she has to prep. The good news is she has an outside reader and she's talking to her advisor tomorrow.

The babies and Sam all seem good. Sam did a gingerbread house over the weekend at a bakery with Em and her mom. Eli's been fussy today, perhaps from his shots. It's been rainy, but we had clear skies this afternoon. I saw someone from church, and a student from five years ago, which was nice. All in all, it's been a fairly good situation.

I have my new computer set up in my office. It makes a difference. I'm at a pivot point now in teaching and with different projects, so I'm grateful to have good technology and to be able to use it. This is also how I stay in touch with people back home, so it also makes that easier.