Friday, December 16, 2011

Emily did fine

Just a quick note that Emily made it through her preproposal with no problems. The much-feared grilling did not occur, and she said the presentation and about a half-dozen questions/suggestions were fairly smooth. Just as she started skype the babies both began crying, so I stayed in with them. I think they heard the call and woke up, and the dehumidifier had filled up, so there was no background noise. I emptied the machine and then I strolled Eli and held Eva. Afterwards Eva clapped for Emily.

This step isn't necessarily a huge one, but it's one of those "speak now or..." moments. It gives Emily a chance to introduce her work to others in the program and to get feedback. That there were no big snags is a great sign. I think her committee likes what she is doing and approves. Hopefully she's within a month of the proposal defense and would have six months to take her 130 pages to 200-300 pages. I think she may be past the tipping point, which would be great. I know a family friend had told my mom "sometimes it's easier to finish than to not finish," and hopefully Emily is within range of her goal now.

Em's parents should be back home now. They really gave us a Herculean effort and helped us do a lot we wouldn't have been able to do otherwise. We each made steps on big projects. The babies are more mobile. Sam got a lot of two-on-one time and seems very happy with life. I think it will be a fun weekend for him. We did some socializing, which is important for being part of different communities here. I got through a couple of sermons and the hardest part of the semester. We managed to pass on some of our baby things and seem to be turning a corner. Emily really has a handle on what she needs to do now.

It's 4:30 am here. I slept enough earlier to wake me up, but I think I can probably go back to sleep now. I hope to update with more pictures and other posts in the coming days.

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