Monday, April 30, 2012

18 months

Eva and Eli are now a year and a half. They seem more exuberantly happy and energetic lately. Eli's a little slimmer after being sick. Eva has developed a piercing screech that she can do for a long period of time. It seems to mean "hey, look at me," or "isn't this a fine voice I have?" or "what a nice day!" or sometimes "almost time for a nap." Emily's not taking to it well. I remember that there are little kids that like the hypersonic screech. I hope they don't develop the ability to do this in tandem.

Sam is becoming quite a drawer. He now uses crayons, paint, fingerpaint and oil pastels (I think that's what they're called). He's also big into blocks. We've been buying the duplo ones, which are good for little kids. The babies are just starting to get to like them. I may buy some more blocks before we come home. Sam has his piano lesson today. He's now working on playing notes with all five fingers. With one finger, he can sometimes do "twinkle twinkle" perfectly. I was trying to take credit for upping the musical life of our little family unit, but now that Eva's started screeching I know I might be to blame. I was a fairly tone deaf kid. We can't figure out if this was just genetics, or if it's because I was never in choirs and didn't show a particular interest in music.

Church was fun yesterday, although we realized that the congregation will have a fair amount of turn over just by the fall. I think it'll probably be fairly different by the time we're back in January or February. People are always nice to us there, and Sam likes the Sunday School.

Otherwise we are plunking along. I'm getting plans laid out for the fall. Emily's made some progress recently on diss. She's now going through the fairly tedious work of checking citations.

These next few weeks should be "medium busy" before we get to the retreat and then the last weeks of the semester. We're skypable and will try to keep in touch with everyone.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Twin notes

Today Emily quoted a line from the picture book "Zoom City" to Eva. Eva walked over to the shelf, looked and looked, and pulled the book out and gave it to Emily to read. Emily's convinced Eva is some kind of toddler literary genius. Eli also brought me his favorite "bath book" today. Hopefully reading will continue to be a family hobby.

Linda said today that lately if Eva sees Eli isn't paying attention, she'll take his toy and run away. She said "the louder he cries, the louder she laughs." Since there were several months were Eli could walk quickly and abscond with Eva's toys, it seems like turnabout if fair play.

Sam has a new coloring book and dinosaur CD courtesy of Aunt Lisa. He's done a lot of coloring in the coloring book, and today Emily put the CD into rotation. I think we'll know a lot of new dinosaur books in the next few months.

We also figured out today what the day trip was in which Sam participated yesterday. We'd thought perhaps he had visited a temple or a museum. He described a "fire" and "ghosts" and some things that were "scary." I asked him if the ghosts were real or fake, and he said they were fake. So, today we discovered they actually went to the metro station to learn about safety when there are fires or other emergencies. Already, his life is partially a mystery to us....

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter Updates

We had a good Easter. On Sunday we went to church a little early and Emily set up some activities for Easter. Four families did bag decorating and then Emily hid Easter eggs with another mom in a classroom. It was a lot of fun and the kids all enjoyed it. Sam had also gone to the local Sunday School and since he wasn't there for his birthday last month, he was able to go when they sang happy Birthday. In the afternoon, the kids and Em took a nap and I quick prepped for the wedding I'm going to be in. I'm mostly happy to do it, but still nervous about messing things up. Luckily, most of the talking has been turned over to someone else, but I still have several big chunks to read. Reading is still one of my hardest areas. The truth is that most people never get to the point where they can read well in local language. I'm getting there, but it's challenging to do this, especially in a liturgical setting. I think it will be a good experience for everyone. We were really encouraged to come to dinner last night, and I think that part of this is because it can often relax things having others around. I really like the couple, and we're glad to do what we can to help.

Otherwise, the kids are coming along. Eli's very giggly lately. Getting him to laugh usually just requires laughing yourself. Yesterday Emily heard him laughing in the back seat and said he sounded like a goat. He has a bit more of a raspy voice that is very entertaining. When he "snaps" his fingers and dances, he really reminds me of a jazz singer.

Eva is exploring more. She's discovered the toilet, which she likes to put things in. She's pretty strong--not quite where Eli is, but she can hold her own. Emily says she and Sam are pickier eaters. Her favorites are bread, pasta, and rice. She's continuing to sing "doh" a lot. Sometimes if we are singing, she tries to go to the piano. Pretty entertaining. Eva is also a pretty good napper now. If you ask her is she's sleepy and hold her hand, she'll walk to the crib. She rolls over on her tummy, sticks her bottom in the air, sucks her thumb a little and goes to sleep.

Sam is really a pretty nice little boy. He has his moments, but he's interested in the world and plays pretty well with others. We have a good bed routine, he takes long naps, and the rest of the time he has a lot of energy. He likes his church class. I really enjoy being able to watch him interact with others there. He's a very low "breakdown" kid. Usually he can be encouraged or persuaded to go along with things, especially if there is some fun to be had.

That's our kid updates!