Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Sam Update

[I started writing this last week and then just got back to it.] It's been a rocky few days as we transition from grandparent-help, through colds, and then now start the New Year break. Sam was off all last week with a cold. This week he went to school on Monday and Tuesday before the break, and we have him through next Tuesday.

He's doing very well, but he's clearly in a transition. Here are the issues we're working on with him:

How to handle tantrums. Sam's major challenge, like most toddlers, is managing transitions. Leaving the house or returning home are often challenges, and every so often he just balks at doing something (sitting down for dinner, bath, etc.). Most of the time, he'll improve with time, but we don't always have time. Emily's started working on time outs and I tend to do the picking up and carrying (to put him in the car, etc.).

Sleeping arrangement. At night he's been wanting Emily more. He does well with me usually, but he still isn't very good at sleeping on his own. Because of space and time constraints, we can't really get him his own bed and now doesn't seem like a time for a major change. We'll see how things go. We joke about how to divide up the rooms, since Eli and Sam are more difficult and Eva (sometimes) sleeps very well. Emily's been advocating for a "dude room" whereas I've said we should split up blondes and brunettes. This is hilarious if you are sleep deprived.

School. Sam usually loves going to school and is almost always very happen when we come to pick him up, but the last two days he's resisted some. I think his main challenge is usually transitions, so the question for us is how to prepare him for drop off and help him feel ready to start the day.

Language. Sam's languages are coming along. He can say many animals, colors, simple sentences, request, etc., in his second language. English is going even better. We mostly understand him and he can say more and more complicated sentences. Somethings will take longer. He can't or doesn't want to count things yet. Music is hard--he can't sing more than a few words (he likes to sing "to you" from the birthday song). It's interesting to watch how he is working up to new language abilities. Lately he likes to say what something isn't. Eli is "not Eva." The white bear is "not red."

Siblings. Sam does great with his siblings. He gives them kisses, helps put a binky in, occasionally will dance to entertain them. He's got a pretty kind temperament.

That's the news from here! More soon. Jon

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