Monday, February 28, 2011


See we went to the flower show on Saturday with two coworkers, and it was a blast! We really had a good time, and received our "warning" sunburn to let us know that it's going to be scorching hot soon and we need to take precautions.

Sam did great. He went on his first ferris wheel and had a great time. Probably his favorite thing was airplanes flying over head to the nearby airport. We also watched a parade near the water and Sam was able to enjoy a giant caterpillar, people on stilts, a dinosaur-car (how awesome is that?) and other fun sights. We ate a mix of local and pseudo-western food, including the first baked potato we've had in months. Our plan to go out more is working, and it was a lot easier with others along. This is a big upside to city life--lots to do that is kids friendly.

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