Saturday, February 19, 2011

Saturdays are a scratch...

A while ago I remember reading that weekends are when people are least happy. We say we're happier, but usually our anxiety peaks and we feel more stressed. This is definitely true for me, and there are a number of standard reasons:
-Normal routine evaporates
-Expectations are high
-Ability to meet them is not so high
-A lot of energy goes into childcare and housekeeping

Today I just feel wiped out. The truth is, it was a good day. Another teacher came over for breakfast. One of the teens on campus came over to play with Sam. We both got to talk to our parents for a while. Sam was in a pretty good mood, as were the kids.

On the other side of the ledger: nobody was sleeping today, Sam balked at lunch and dinner, it rained all day (curtailing excursions), and Emily had to do a grocery run. Things sort of collapsed around dinner. That part of the day is over, and now it's bed time. Sam went down smoothly and the babies are asleep. I'm trying to be the milk person for the next few hours. But... still. wiped. out.

We know this is situational. It won't last forever. We're getting the help we need. We're each making progress in some arenas. The others will come in time. Still, it's exhausting. On that note, I'm going to head in for the night.

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