Saturday, August 27, 2011


We're at 60% power here, as Eli's developed a fever and Emily threw up after class today. Anyway, it was an exciting day. Eli spiked a fever in the morning, up to around 102.5. After lunch I took him to the local hospital. They listened to his lungs and x-rayed him. It was hard to get a clear picture, but they think he has bronchitis or a very mild pneumonia. In the meantime, Emily threw up, so I picked up her and Sam on the way home.

Our internet at home is down. Our phone wasn't working, then they fixed that but messed up the internet. I've actually tried to get rid of the phone line before, because it seems to cause more trouble than it is worth. Somehow our wiring is mixed with the neighbors. They previously ran a wire through our windowpane (!) to disentagle our phone from the neighbors', but we're now clearly re-entagled. Originally they were going to wait until Monday to come back, but I talked them into tomorrow ("badgered" is closer to the truth, but since we've been through this twice before, I thought it was worth it). Not the world's biggest problem, but frustrating sincde the weekend is often when we have time to talk to family.

The weekend is looking a little less clear now. Originally we were to go swimming with the family of the two girls I mentioned. Sunday is the baptism. If Eli and Emily perk up, we'll probably be okay. I may go swimming with Sam and leave Emily home with the babies. We'll see.

I also found some second hand movies, so Sam is watching a Disney movie about dog astronauts (!!??). Another teacher stopped over tonight, which made the evening hours nicer. Chiungling made some awesome pumpkin/rice based baby food. People here don't really used canned baby food, so the babies get pretty much all home-made food.

Oh, and a typhoon may be coming through tomorrow or the next day. We're hoping it's mild.


Jon said...

Writing now on Saturday evening, our internet is out. Eli's in fine spirits but is still running a fever and needs rest. We're probably not able to do the baptism tomorrow, just because there will be a lot of seniors and babies around and we don't want to get them sick. It may just be me and Sam tomorrow. Internet may not be back up regularly until Monday, but I can get it in my office.

Jon said...

And the follow up now... it was not bronchitis after all, but a double ear infection.

Jon said...

Third follow up. Emily is thinking it was actually rosiola, which Sam had and was nearly identical in terms of high fever followed by allergic reaction.