Thursday, January 13, 2011

Up with Sam

Proud dad with the monkey boy
Sam with his comrades
He needed some direction on which way to face, and managed to finagle an elephant hat from one of the other kids
Here he is saying his name (fairly confidently)

Sam just threw up twice, so we are probably headed for some rocky days. The upside is Emily's changed the sheets and I've got him bathed and quick did some Lysoling of handles and whatnot. Still, I'm feeling a little off and I think we're headed for a family sickness. Too bad, since there was a lot on the agenda for tomorrow :(

On the other hand, it hasn't been a bad few days. Sam's class performed for this month's group birthday party at the nursery school. It was very cute. The kids performed a simple dance number in sets. There were horses, octopi, elephants, and monkeys (I'm forgetting one of them, maybe sheep?). Sam did well. He said his name very clearly and looked cute as a monkey wearing his monkey sleeping back.

He's saying more and more. One of his funniest recent phrases was "xiexie grandma in the house." It sounded kind of like a rap lyric. Tonight he kept saying "pao chu" (going out) as he talked to his cars and pretended to fill them up using a cord for one of our speakers. He's an imaginative player and does pretty well playing by himself. He's getting better at mimicking and using full phrases. I think his vocab is picking up in both languages. I'm hoping the nanny situation will help things out some.

That's our news! All very fun. I went to our denom office today, which is always nice. People are so kind to us as foreigners. I also find I'm making progress in local lang #2. I can at least do simple conversations now and understand a bit of what is happening. I don't think I'll ever be great, but I can at least improve over time.

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