Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Head in the Clouds

Here are some recent Sam pictures. Above he's looking as pensive as a baby can look. I like the light in this picture.
Here he is being lifted up. This usually makes him very happy. Sometimes even if he is grumpy I can get him to laugh between the fusses.
He likes cheek kisses. It's hard to capture this is pictures because the pre-flash or the green light always throws him.
Here's a picture in his new exersaucer. Emily found it at a baby consignment store in town. He mostly loves it, but starts turning fussy after about ten minutes.
Here's Sam watching a Western Civ tape with me. They should re-market these dvds to students, since they are basically talking heads.

I think I have a longer post brewing, but I'm not quite sure how to put it. More to come...

1 comment:

more cows than people said...

fabulous pictures. what a gorgeous boy.