Saturday, May 17, 2008

The Baby Does Not Like Evening

So, for about a week now, our cute little baby has turned into a monster around 6 or 7 at night. We aren't really sure what to do about this. In my experience:
(1) if we hold him he cries
(2) if we check in on him periodically he cries (although sometimes he quiets briefly while we come in), and
(3) if we ignore him he cries

I am currently at home with the baby and have opted for #3. He's been fed, he's been changed, and he's been held. None of that is working for him. I don't think this is gas. I think he's just really sleepy and works himself into crankiness and doesn't know how to fall asleep.

Not knowing what else to do, I basically check in on him every so often. He is clearly very, very tired. A couple of times he has fallen asleep (briefly) on his own. Once I went in and talked to him, and he drifted off, only to wake a couple of minutes after I left, again in full-throttle wailing.

This is vexing. Emily checked out some books yesterday, which all give contradictory advice. (Who knew that babyiologists are as contentious as theologians?)

Most of the time, he is an energetic, cute, bouncy, friendly, sweet baby. But in the evenings, not so much...


Heidi Haverkamp said...

Adam and I got a chuckle out of your theologians comment! Good luck with the baby -- he comes from good stock, so I'm sure whatever you do, he will still grow up into a well-adjusted adult!

more cows than people said...

aw... bummer... poor baby, poor daddy and mommy.

Desert Mama said...

I am so sorry - the evening crying/colic is the worst. Have you tried mylicon drops? It's gas-x for babies and has worked wonders at times for my girls - my advice is to get the dye-free kind so if he spits it up it doesn't stain.
Do you have a soft carrier - something like a maya wrap or a mei tai? (you should be able to google those and find pictures if you don't know what I'm talking about.) If you do, you could try taking him for a long walk in that, and then it's pretty easy to lay him down with the carrier around and keep him asleep....worth a shot anyway.
Also, have you read The No Cry Sleep Solution? It is not going to tell you what to do, but will give you a long list of things to try - each baby is different and there are no solutions to fit everyone. Which is hard for the parents - but it's true. I personally could never let my girls just cry in bed - I really believe it would have done much more harm than good for them - for reasons we can talk about in person in a few weeks if you want - but that is me - and you know Sam better than anyone. Just know that holding/rocking/walking him won't spoil him - and listen to your gut. And know that everyone needs something to work out in therapy as an adult - :) Prayers for peaceful evenings for you again soon....

Jon said...

Thanks everyone! He's doing well tonight. We put him in his auto-rocker, which helped him get to sleep quickly. The balance at night so far is (1) keeping him fed, (2) helping him fall asleep before he gets worked up, and (3) maintaining our own sanity. We continue to read the babyologists and will report back as we learn more.

Shifting Gears said...
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Shifting Gears said...

Your post reminded me of my son (he is 16 now)who went through a similar colic stage. Desert Mama makes a good suggestion with the mylicon drops. Perhaps a warm towel fresh from the drier to place on his belly? My son needed movement...If we were moving with him he was quiet (I realize that can get old quick). I had to adjust my eating habits too because I was a nursing mom.

Good luck and God Bless.

Shifting Gears said...
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Shifting Gears said...
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