Saturday, October 15, 2011

Nature Center

There's a nature center near the hospital where we take the kids. Yesterday Eva spiked a fever, so we took her in. The doctor said it's probably just teething or a simple infection. Her ears were clear and throat was just a little red.

Em stayed with Eva and I took Sam and Eli to the little nature park nearby. It's really a fun place to go. They have a pond with ducks, a little outdoor turtle center, a bird house, a fish and critters house, and an educational center. One of the volunteers offered to show Sam and another family a toad. He gave a fun little presentation, showed us that the male toads make a croaking sound, and let Sam and the other kids watch it hop around (video below). Sam also liked the walking stick bugs, the meal worms, and some other insects. Sam also really enjoyed the hospital. He played in a little house they have in the pediatrics division with several other kids.

The weekends are proving to be enormously fun for Sam and the kids but fairly exhausting for us. We're looking forward to grandparents arriving in a few weeks. Today Sam went to church with me and had a great time. We took the bus and he really enjoyed that. His local language is coming along, so he was wowing people wherever he went (even if it was just to say "that's mine! you can't have it"). I think he's probably going to be a bit of a rock star in another year or two.

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