Tuesday, May 4, 2010


We three are still adjusting to these two invaders in our life, who are plotting to steal our sleep, space, and sanity. However, we are slowly coming along.

Some recent updates. (1) Emily has worse nausea than last time. She's sick pretty much every morning and sometimes in the afternoon or evening. I can tell it is wearing on her. (2) Sleep is just as important. Last time she slept a lot, and this time she's logged in more nights of 10, 12, or more hours of sleep. We think it may be her system's way of dealing with the nausea. (3) She's had some pretty interesting cravings. On Saturday she really wanted Middle Eastern food. The Saturday before that she wanted Mexican. Luckily, Northern Island is cosmopolitan enough that the only un-met cravings have been US chains or local places (Wendy's, Skyline). (4) We're going to check out a hospital tomorrow and depending on how that goes another on Friday.

Our day-to-day life is pretty good. We're both working hard on language, which is a sisyphean struggle. Still, there's some familiarity in the continuity of it and it sometimes reminds me of counseling. Basically, I spend 10 hours a week discussing language, culture, family, personal life, work expectations, etc. I can't knock it. We will continue as long as we are allowed to, since I know it will hard to get time later on.

I'm preaching in a few weeks, and am working with two classes that both take some time. School life is always a little hazy for me. I can tell there's turmoil among the foreign language teachers here. I think the school is a very kind place, but it's often a challenge to bridge the cultural gaps. I still don't really know how to plan here, or to tell when we are contracting and when we are brainstorming. I would say the school is as healthy as any of the American schools where I've worked, and I really admire some of the leaders.

That is the news for now. We will update as we know more. I'm guessing we'll have another ultrasound tomorrow, and should be able to report back on that.

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