Friday, April 30, 2010

Not much new

We're chugging along here. We bought a double stroller yesterday from someone in our language school. It is a monster truck of a stroller, red, wide, with huge wheels. It fits in the trunk of our smallish car only barely, by taking the wheels off (luckily they come off easily). Sam spent about an hour practicing getting in and out last night. He woke at 5:15 this morning, saying "car" to Emily, so I think his plan was more play in the new stroller.

Sam is still pretty much a delight. He's coloring now, and has most of his colors down. He can say "elephant," or a close approximation, and is (to my eyes) a fairly graceful toddler. I enjoy the extra time I'm getting with him. I think we both feel some guilt that we will ruin his fun. He's such a fine kid, and we enjoy being a trio. I know it will be a shock for his little system.

Emily's pretty much knocked out by pregnancy last night. She went to bed at 5 (!) last night basically, and except for brushing her teeth and helping to put Sam down, she pretty much has slept through. This is her pattern in the first trimester--morning sickness, some general nausea, and lots of sleep. What's hard for us to tell with the pregnancy is how different it will be from the first one. Will the symptoms be worse? A lot worse? What can we expect? Still hard to know at this point...

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