Friday, June 19, 2009


We're again at that in-between packing time. We sent off a huge load of things on Tuesday. I'm hoping this will help us to get settled more quickly. Having all of our stuff shouldn't make such a big difference, and yet it is nice to have 10 pots with which to cook instead of just 1, and it is great to have a personal library, books, and computers and printers to get started on the academic work. Last time I felt like I did a fine job getting started, but parts were rocky because I only had what fit in two suitcases. This time: three of us and many, many boxes.

Barb remembered an old George Carlin routine about stuff that's been a prophetic voice to us in this time of change also. I'm trying to find the balance between preparing and realizing that there are some things for which you cannot really prepare.


LittleMary said...

oh my. will be so good to see you tonight. i am afraid to think of how many boxes i would have to send. yikes!

Heidi Haverkamp said...

Wow! I'm excited for you guys. :) I hope we can see you before you leave! Blessings on your continuing preparations.

Sarah S-D said...

praying for you guys every day though i'm not commenting much. praying for all our intern group actually, every day. with caroline at bedtime. love you all. so excited for you, jonathan. such a great opportunity.

blessings on the packing. looks like you're making good progress.

牧會中的小牧師 said...

hi Jon,
Oh, so many boxes!! I wish you can set everything well during theses days. See you all in Taipei! Please remember it's really hot in Taipei everyday! 90F in the morning when you wake up!

Jon said...

A lot of boxes! Probably more than we should have sent. It helped a lot to have the company you worked with Ming-wei, and they gave us a great price. It's about 1/3-1/2 books and papers and then a lot of clothes, baby stuff, electronics, and kitchen.

Thank you everyone for the comments! It means a lot to have your words of encouragement. Those boxes almost did me in, and we still have a lot of packing and cleaning to do.