Saturday, September 13, 2008

Baby sitters and other matters

Yesterday I took Sam to school with me. It was a pretty interesting day. I did my early classes regularly and then Sam came for my hour with first year students. (This way Emily was able to run up to school.) We also met the person we think will be Sam's babysitter. Her name is Kim and she's the student gov president and has a lot of experience. She'll take him for 90 minutes on Mondays while I teach. She can have him on campus, in my office, and Emily'll be able to go up to school for the day. I think it will work very well. But I can hardly believe it--the first baby sitter and hopefully more time for Emily to work on the dissertation.

We're adjusting a little better. It was a bigger change this summer than I realized it would be: geographically, academically, famiy, emotionally, etc. There have been some nice points of continuinty--church, school, etc.--but it's still a pretty big change.

1 comment:

jennifer said...

It is great that you find someone to help out with Sam!