Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Odds and Ends

There's not much news on the baby front. Sam is mostly being the perfect little man, with only occasional fussing and crying. We continue to learn more about him:
  • If he wakes up (usually alone) he starts an immediate, cute high-pitched cry. If you are around, he will almost always quiet down immediately.
  • His fussy time (5:30-7ish) can usually be ameliorated by a combination of walking, singing, held napping, and bathing.
  • He prefers outward facing walking, but this can be a bit of a distraction. Our balance is to distract him, but not too much.
We have some exciting family events in our future. Emily's cousin and aunt are coming soon, then we go visit my aunt and uncle (and brother, parents, and nieces) the next week, and then The Big Move is after that. I am already beginning some packing. I'm trying to use twine to pack the books. I still have to rent the U-Haul. Here's hoping it all comes together soon.

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