Friday, November 25, 2011


We had our third/fourth Thanksgiving on the island. I had my first in 2005 over dumplings with an elder dentist here. It's hard to believe how the time has passed.

Last night was a lot of fun. Emily ordered a turkey and some of the side dishes from a restaurant, but then made or bought some great other dishes. Linda did a stirfry, Barb and Randy tracked down sweet potatoes, Emily did homemade stuffing. It was a very pleasant meal. We invited about six other adults, and then with the neighbors and kids we were technically 15 of us, which is a personal record.

I had a long day yesterday. In the morning I taught from 8 to 11, then in the afternoon I had language class and the evening was Thanksgiving. I also attended a lecture and then did some work last night. I'm doing a major push for a book I'm working on with my advisor. I am really looking forward to it being finished. It's been a long time in the works.

That is our news here. Today a package came from my Uncle Paul and Aunt Joan with a lot of clothes, and we inherited some older boy clothes from another American I know. We're feelnig grateful and blessed. It's been a nice few days. Next week will be busy, since we also have people coming from denom. I think it will be a good trip, but time will tell. I feel like we're juggling everything, but it keeps on going.

Sam went to the zoo with the grandparents today. He had a great time, but I can tell that he is quite tired now and it could be ugly getting him to bed.

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