Sunday, December 5, 2010


Babies have now passed their official birthdate and seem to be doing well. A little more about each:

Eli is very cute and is starting to pudge up. His face is already very round. He makes lots of grunting/straining sounds and seems to have some gas issues, but doesn't smell bad (compare with sister below). He is a pretty solid sleeper and a good eater. He has an intense look. He has little piercing eyes. Sam looked a little more curious or skeptical as an infant and Eva seems pretty mellow most of the time.

Eva is a good, if often stinky, kid. She feeds in little bursts and goes to sleep easier. She also has fewer gas issues.

Sam's playing hooky today because he has a light cold or sneezing. I think the grandparents just wanted to bust him out and play with him today. He is loving the attention and has already done basketball, tricycle and other fun things as of noontime.

Our sleeping system now is that Emily's parents give the twins a feeding as I put Sam down. Emily tries to sleep from early evening until middle of the night and I try to sleep from middle of the night to late morning.

Life has been a bit off lately. Our neighbors' house is being renovated, so we had jackhammers going next to us all weekend long. The internet has also been out for several days. We hope to have it back up and going again soon, which will make communication easier.

Last night we saw my old college roommate, Aaron, and his wife Sarah. They're newylweds, so it was fun to hear what they are up to and how things are going. He's here via the government. I don't think we'll see them super-frequently, but it's nice to have some familiar people around who are outside of this immediate community.

That's the news from here!

1 comment:

miekevandersall said...

you've got your hands full! yikes! glad to hear your surgery is over though, and it wasn't tmi, i learned something by your post!:)

love you all