Tuesday, November 2, 2010

A long, long, long day

So, I had planned to write a lot more today, but then it was a bit of a hurricane. Solo-dad, trip to daycare, cab to hospital, visit babies, go to lunch and get lunch to go, run milk to and fro, consult with the consultable, cab back to day care to pick up big brother, return to the hospital, buy big brother chocolate milk and convince him to visit mom (after he's demanded "no mommy," since he wants to play), watch some tv, meet friends for dinner, give up on dinner because big brother is having an even rockier day than the rest of us, go back to meet wife for dinner with take out, surprise--some church visitors, surprise--pastor stopped by, surprise--campus visitors, go to see babies, talk to nurses and doctors, say bye to some visitors, go downstairs for present unwrapping, say good bye to others, reassure wife and check on possibility of an extra day in the hospital, get big brother packed, get to parking lot, pay parking, drive home, big brother is breaking down, dad is tired, helpful neighbor saves the day dropping off meals, but big brother is still breaking down, hurried change of clothes and spot-wiping, bed time for big brother, clean dishes, unnecessary internet surfing and snacking, blogging...

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