Saturday, July 31, 2010

Good day with somewhat fussy kid

This week has been a bit of a wash. Fast retreat, some drama over assorted projects, need to get visa moving, etc, etc, etc. So Saturday rolls around and it struck that perfect toddler balance of (1) a fair amount of joy, bliss, kid happiness, and (2) some tantrums, whining, and frustration. Sam is just a really fine kid, and yet today was a little hard on us. He woke up early. We let him watch some DVDs. We set up our little toddler pool nearby, and he did fine in the morning, playing happily for about an hour. The sun shifted and we came in (he was okay about it). He took a huge nap (me too since I have been sleeping weird). Then he was just kind of fussy when he woke up. He really wanted to go back to the pool. I took him but it wasn't a great time (buggy). I brought him in to switch with Em and he did the full crocodile tears-fussing-whining deal. Emily took him back out which went better. We went to dinner at a little pizza place down the mountain. As soon as we went in he started complaining: "outside, outside, outside." Emily eventually let him walk outside for a while as we waited for dinner to come. Then everything else was smooth: dinner, a very nice walk, a ride home, toothbrushing and book, bedtime. This was a pretty normal Saturday for us. Good kid. A bit exhausting. Hope he stays mostly adorable. Still not sure we can handle two more.

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