Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Snow Days, Cooking, and Cribs

Today is a snow day. In most places it really wouldn't qualify, but here you put together bad roads, NJ drivers, commuting students and faculty, and hill after hill and it was probably a good idea. I planned an alternate activity for one class, since we're being encouraged to do this now. When did colleges begin doing make-up days? Now we're supposed to move the class on-line, using narrated powerpoints or an alternate activity.

I've been cooking a lot lately. Today was chicken soup in a crock pot and yesterday was chili. I think I could be a good functional cook, which might be a nice role for me since I am horrible at cleaning and worse at maintenance. I was thinking about this as I spent about 20 minutes fiddling with the crib we bought. (I gave up on it not long after--hopefully I will return to it tomorrow.) I know this is the sort of thing most men live for: assemble the baby's first crib! And yet I really was not enjoying the experience much. I am non-macho on almost every scale. I watch about 15 minutes of sports a year and have almost zero interest in putting things together. I liked computers--but only if they are fairly user friendly. Hmmm...

Tomorrow I have no classes so at long last I am getting a bit of a break-break. I'm using it to up my little publishing projects and get family time in. I think this has the potential to be a truly fine semester. Emily's finishing her library work on Saturday and I'm backing off some old school commitments. I'm teaching fun classes and have pretty good students. I think we'll have a good spring to look forward to, not that the snow isn't pretty.

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