Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Keeping Things In Perspective

We're both pretty high on the stress charts lately. There's the new baby, the lost uncle, sleepless nights, job possibilities and moves in our near future. I have to finish grading 30 exams by Friday, and then we'll get in a car with the cat, who we took to the vet today and is sick tonight, before driving 10 hours. It's hard to stay optimistic. And yet there's this:


Desert Mama said...

There is something so wonderful about baby smiles, isn't there? Enjoy this stage - and prayers that the upcoming trip goes smoothly. Remember, as long as you have each other, the baby, the cat, and the car seat - everything else is something you can get if you forgot it. This attitude kept me sane through 2 last-minute long distance drives with a baby/toddler - Hope you don't need it as often as we did.

Heidi Haverkamp said...

He's ADORABLE. I can't wait to meet him. Blessings on the journey, and all that grading!!!