Tuesday, May 20, 2008

My Little Study Buddy

We've talked a little bit about the baby's sleeping, but ours is also part of the challenge. Our current solution is that Emily and I usually go to bed around 11 and she gets mediocre, feed-the-baby-every-three-hours sleep until 7. Then I take the baby until she wakes up late morning (so usually around 11am). It's not great, but so far it preserves our sanity.

Usually in the morning I give him a bottle at some point (Emily pumps once or twice a day) and often he naps next to me on the couch. He loves to play in his pack 'n play, but actually sleeps better next to me. This is when I can get a couple of hours of work done if I try hard. Right now I am in the midst of grading.

It actually makes for a pretty good morning, and I feel like we get a lot of good bonding this way.

Heidi asked where we'll be in the fall, and it is looking like a (actually very beautiful) part of northwest NJ. My affinity for the Garden State has been heightened by Sam's birth here. At church a few weeks ago we were presented with this statement. (Sam goes to a church with connections.) Anyway, it made me laugh at the time and when he has a room someday I expect it will go on the wall.

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