Monday, May 19, 2008

The Fall

Some of you have heard my dramas about next year. PCUSA funding for mission has largely evaporated, and it would have been January at the earliest when we might go. In the meantime, I have heard of at least one classmate/student who is self-funding and the coworker for our presbytery partnership will probably leave official status (presumably because the person will have four kids either in international school or college). A bit discouraging...

In the meantime, I have been trying to prep for next year. I had an on-campus interview at Big Name Div School, but I found out today it's a no-go. (I don't feel bad: basically everyone I know has been rejected by this school at one time or another.) I am now accepting at Very Nice Liberal Arts College for the coming year. I feel a bit guilty that Taiwan is not in my immediate future (although still possible in a year or two), and also somewhat sad to be leaving theological ed. I'll update when I know more, or when the papers are signed. I really hope everything works out. It's not that our life has been so unstable, but it would be good to have a 2 bedroom (or, miracle of miracles, a 3 bedroom) apartment or house next year. Time will tell...

Thank you all for your patience. I am really bad at nailing things down, and it is physically painful for me to close doors. I would feel more ambivalent if I didn't love (probable) new colleagues, or if I hadn't pursued a similar road 6 years ago. Here's hoping God is in the details, and that the coming year will bring growth and new ministry for the three of us.


Heidi Haverkamp said...

I'm sorry to hear things haven't worked out the way you guys had hoped. Sometimes it's hard to see God's hand in the changeability and chaos of the job market -- especially in academics, I imagine. Will you be moving far?

Jon said...

It'll be about 60 minutes, which is pretty good, but it will mean a fairly thorough uprooting (new place, new community, etc.).