Today was a tiring day--basically everyone but Sam has a cold. Still, there were some really funny moments. Tonight Sam and I were watching "Megamind"--a father/son favorite, and there's a scene with a skeleton. I started explaining to him what a skeleton is. It was one of those conversations where you realize that what you are saying sounds crazy, but luckily toddlers are pretty believable. So we spent some time googling images of skeletons, muscles, organs, etc. We felt elbows, jaw bones, clavicles, and other bones. I showed him how muscles get harder and softer. He listened to my heart for a few seconds. I forget sometimes how much of the toddler mind is white spaces or fantastical images, which are slowly (but never completely) replaced with new expanses of knowledge.
We read "Where the Wild Things Are" tonight, which is a favorite. Eva, Sam, and I went to the student center on campus and played on the piano for a few minutes. Sam's learning to identify the sets of black keys (just to note where there are two and where there are three) and he can say the "do, ray, mi..." set of words. He's still pretty much tone-deaf. Curiously, we were signing in the car today and Eva started making noises. I didn't even notice it, but Emily said she wanted us to sing more.
Sundays are a day of "running out the clock." We came home from church early, which was a mistake. Sam also fell asleep in the car. He took a longish nap, but instead of sleeping 4-6 (as he often does on the weekend) it was more like 1:30-3. It's funny how small differences still throw us off. I spent some time talking to the neighbors, which was fun. She said we're probably still several years from being able to have one parent take out all three kids without going nuts. However, she did say that 1-2 is a rough age, and that we can be hopeful about improvements in our future.
I think we're feeling generally better about life. There are lots of small logistics for this week: car registration, trip to Costco, grading, etc. I'm hoping things will be smooth on those fronts. It is amazing how the week can just evaporate.
Nothing else new here. The presidential elections were Saturday, with undesired results :( Week after next is off. We're trying to plan some fun things for the week and hope we can focus on the fun side of things.
That's what we are up to!
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