Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Night 2

It's the second night and so far things are going well. Eva was up for about a half hour again (maybe a little longer). Tonight we're trying to eliminate the pacifier from the equation. Last night Eva went until 5am-ish and Eli went a little longer. Eli had woken up around 2 last night, so I'm going to see if he pops up again here in another half hour or so.

We still don't know if longer sleep will mean a real difference. If they are eating at 10 and 5 it may mean a major sleep disruption, but still much better than it could have been.

Our nanny today said our kids are pretty good. People often ask her if two is really hard, but she said ours cry less than the last baby she had. Neither of them seem to be doing high-pitch screaming--maybe they're just too tired. Instead, it's as if they wake up and want reassurance and kind of grumble until they fall back asleep.

It's an education we are getting. I guess it's a good thing we are each distinct, but it would be nice if there really were a universal set of rules...


Heidi Haverkamp said...

Thought you and Em might appreciate this: "When "Goodnight Moon" just isn't cutting it... one dad and novelist has written a bedtime story to warm the hearts of sleep-deprived parents everywhere: "Go the F@#k to Sleep." "

Jon said...

Wow, very cool. It says he's teaching at Emily's U in NJ now. We may have to buy it.