It’s been an exciting time here in Northern Island. Emily is pregnant, and as of last Friday we know that it’s twins. It’s still very early, only around 8 weeks, but is already reshaping our lives. I think my reading audience here is small, so it seems safe, but we probably won’t tell people on facebook, etc. for a while.
About a month ago Emily found out she was pregnant. It was a bit earlier than we had planned, but not terrible timing. Emily’s breastfeeding-friendly birthcontrol wasn’t available in Taiwan, and we misread the iphone app that charts fertility. Another baby at this point was not necessarily dissertation friendly, but there were several pros: birth in November or December when it’s not roasting hot, the flexibility of language school for the first nine months, time to settle into life here before we return to the states in a couple of years, Sam would be able to go to nursery school with them, etc. So, all in all, not terrible timing.
We scheduled a hospital visit last week. We’d all been encouraged to go to the big Presby hospital downtime. It’s a good hospital and not very far, which is nice. However, when we went there most of our conversations were in Chinese and it is hard to get a personal sense of the people we’d be working with. We probably need one or two people with excellent English, either a nurse or doctor or a midwife or someone from school here who goes with us. The funniest moment was when the doctor told us they were going to “listen for the heart through the vagina.” Thankfully, this turned out to be an ultrasound. When the radiologist told us that it was twins I honestly thought at first that she was joking. She said something about “two eyes,” and I thought she was kidding us. “Haha, yes, we all have two eyes.” But no, it really is twins, at least for now. The doctor said identical are possible based on the shape of the sacs. On the other hand, the odds are in favor of fraternals.
We’re still figuring out where we want to stay for the birth. There are plusses to being at a big hospital, especially with the complications that can with twins. The very close nearby hospital is also appealing and we may be able to go to a clinic. The challenge we’re finding is that we need help, but people can be offended if you reject their recommendation.
That’s the big news here. We’re excited about it, scared, hopeful, worried, distracted, curious… Pray for us.
WOW!!! Congratulations! Sounds exciting and challenging, both. Three friends of mine have had twins after an older boy... interesting coincidence! They were tired a lot, but they managed just fine. They have terrific families, and I know you all will, too. Of course, my prayers will be with you, since it's a complex pregnancy and the language issues sound challenging.
Oh, so excited for you two! Blessings and happiness!!
OH MY GOODNESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How thrilling! What an adventure on on fronts! Blessings through this pregnancy. May all go smoothly. May you find the caregivers that are right for you. SOOOOO exciting.
Thanks be to God.
Wow Jon! What a surprise! Congratulations! Hope that the pregnancy goes well and those sweet babies grow healthy and strong! (Sorry for not commenting in forever...I am still reading!!!)
What a surprise!! It will be great--if at times overwhelming... I'm so excited for you guys! A nice birthday surprise for Sam!
Hi Everyone,
Thank you for the words of encouragement! Heidi and Sarah, thank you for the prayer and good wishes; I know they'll enjoy meeting you someday. Jennifer and Alisa, we miss having you all around since you helped us through this the first time (with baby weights, napping advice, etc., etc.).
I think we're still totally not sure we're up for this, but hopefully if God gives us the calling then God will give us the gifts. This also takes away the need to come up with a new blog title (although I'll have to check on "small babIES").
More news to follow...
OMG OMG OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i am so happy for you, and totally terrified thinking about it. holy moly! lots of prayers your way, hope em is feeling ok.
I think the news is leaking out Jon (or may maybe it is all public now and I just missed that part), but I want to add my congratulations!! Shannan Vance-Ocampo sent us this link, and I am glad to add it to my reader. I miss hearing about you all and Sam and now the 2 new folks to join you. Very exciting.
Perhaps you know we are pregnant too...what is this about mission service, far away, figure out a new medical system plan we seem to have going on here? Crazy...
We too have a blog - official (www.calledtocolombia.org) and unofficial about Peanut. If you are interested I will gladly send you the link.
Please give big hugs to Emily (even if you have to do it while she´s asleep) and to Sam and yourself too!
Best of everything - Mamie and Richard
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