Today we brought cookies to Sam's party at the local public library. It was very fun and we had a great time. The only snag was that "the itsy bitsy spider" scared Sam a little. He really does love the library. He's still probably the least mobile/littlest participant, but just loves watching every one and listening to the stories.
My job was to check with the librarians and make and decorate the cookies. Sam's real bday is 3/21, but since it's a Saturday and friends and family are mostly elsewhere, this was a pretty fun way to celebrate.
This is my spring break, so I am trying to offer more baby care and Emily is ramping up her dissertation work. It's a little bit of a struggle, but things seem to be coming together.
Happy birthday, Sam! Fitting that his parents chose to celebrate in a library, isn't it?
wow! 1 already! i have to meet that kid:)
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