Saturday, October 18, 2008

Baby Day

Today's my day with the baby, and things are going well. We've already had some nap time, he spent a while in the bumbo (sp?) while I worked in the kitchen, he's doing some exersaucer time and we're planning a long walk and some attempts at solid foods later.

He's continuing his baby struggle towards mobility. He has a sort of "flopping fish" approach now, where through a combination of turning and rolling he can move several feet. He spends time on the floor, but especially loves the bed which is like a zero gravity chamber for babies--he can really book it there. He's pretty delightful to be around, and stays smiley as long as he's in sight of someone.

He continues to make new sounds. For a while he had an extended bark (or maybe a "quack"?) monologue he'd do that was very entertaining. Well, entertaining when we were awake. It wasn't so entertaining at 6am.

It's hard to believe Sam's closing on 7 months. Depending on how you count it was Friday (when the birth occurred) or will be this Tuesday.

And here are a few more baptism pictures. We're still remembering the happy day.

Here he is exhaused after his happy day.

1 comment:

jennifer said...

Glad you 3 are doing so well! Yeah for Samuel being baptized!