Here are some images of the baby shower for Emily. Lots of fun! Many thanks to sister Lisa and cousin Reina.

It was for the women of the family. They had talked about making it a bigger party, but then it would have become a generic Christmas party. I think Emily was a little overwhelmed by the attention anyways. She's the oldest in the family, so this will be the first baby in eight or ten years (her youngest cousin is thirteen). It felt strange to be getting presents. We now have a carseat, stroller, sweaters, some diapers, onesies, socks, etc. She also bought a bag of baby clothes and some paternity pillows off of Craigs List.
My brother has daughters, so it has only been five or six years, but still quite exciting for my side. I sent out pictures of the thumbsucking image which were met with approval. I think it will be interesting that our little one will have a similar age gap to his cousins to what I have with my brother.
We have a name idea that is being shared, but I am not making it totally public yet. We had talked about it, and then Emily started calling him by this name, and somehow it just fit. More stories on this to come...
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