Our ultrasound had two problems. The first was that the baby moved, so they couldn't see the spine. The spine is, I think, important for checking for Downs Syndrome (chance of having this, around 1:580). The other thing they found was a tiny cyst at the end of the brain. These are quite common (1-2% of all babies they see), and the doc did tell us that only in about 1:5000 cases is it anything bad. (What she didn't tell us that even in these cases, there is usually some accompanying deformity, which we didn't see.) Morever, they may be an ordinary part of development, and in those cases where adults have them they're usually harmless.
Anyway, this is brings me to one of the major problems with our medical system. Medical workers have been trained to give us as much information as humanly possible, but we have little training ourselves to interpret this. They probably have to do this legally; every tiny possibility of risk must be stated to the patient. So, even when there is an infinitesimal chance, we get the information and all of the options (another ultrasound, amnio, etc.). I'm not sure how to handle the process. Emily was a little freaked out yesterday until she found more information about how these things work. One in five thousand is something I can live with.
So, everything is pretty good now. We're looking forward to learning more about the little one. I'm kind of glad we didn't have the earlier ultrasounds, and we may skip on the next ones.

1 comment:
congrats on the baby boy! and yes, the whole ultrasound/prenatal testing part can be a bit unnerving. I often wondered how much information was too much - and I agree about the legal impact on what we know. But I would say that we are often not given all the information on other things in pregnancy - I will stop here or this will get way too long. Anyway, congrats!
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