Thursday, September 6, 2007

Making Your Wife Gag

A couple of days ago I made up an onion dip for our housing's weekly picnic. It was pretty tasty. After eating, I went to kiss Emily good by. She began a kind of choking, gagging motion (sort of like the cat with a hair ball), which lasted for several moments. Hmmm... Trying not to take it personally. (And coffee is even worse.)


Desert Mama said...

welcome to being an expectant dad! We had a classmate in seminary who tried to be very careful to brush his teeth before kissing his pregnant wife to eliminate this, only to find out that the mint toothpaste scent was even worse for her.....
it does end eventually - and then you have this adorable baby.....

Jon said...

Thanks DM! You're awesome. It's fun to see your kids growing up; I don't think I've ever had the chance to meet them.

Life hear is good. Not much new to report baby-wise. We have another appointment this week.