See we went to the flower show on Saturday with two coworkers, and it was a blast! We really had a good time, and received our "warning" sunburn to let us know that it's going to be scorching hot soon and we need to take precautions.
Monday, February 28, 2011
See we went to the flower show on Saturday with two coworkers, and it was a blast! We really had a good time, and received our "warning" sunburn to let us know that it's going to be scorching hot soon and we need to take precautions.
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Saturdays are a scratch...
Monday, February 14, 2011
Books, Babies, and Other Excitement
Another week worth remembering. Saturday was the incredibly awesome book fair downtown. It was a bit of a hassle getting there, then it was a bit of a hassle carting around three kids and a sleep deprived spouse, and then by the time we came back it felt like we’d been there 12 hours instead of three and a a half, but, still, it was AWESOME. The babies slept the whole time. We had lunch at a great food court where we at Indian food (I loved it; Emily was not so sure). We found a nursing station. And, as is the case in large crowds here, we were rock stars because we are foreigners with twins who backpack a toddler. A memorable day to be sure. I think since Saturdays will almost certainly be a wash, we’re going to try to do more fun stuff on them. It’s no more fun being at home and there are plenty of local attractions to brave.
Other news… Sam’s speech is coming along. Just moments ago he said “t-rex dinosaur… nice… it can bite you… a big one.” So, basically he’s nearly speaking in full monologues. At the fair he got four books, which he proceeded to “read” for the rest of the evening, then take to bed with him, then look at the next day. The four topics are: dinosaurs, bugs, animals, and vehicles. He was lured in by the dinosaurs and then it was around $10 for four books, so we got four books. Today he would try to pick up all four books, walk a few steps, drop some, pick them up, walk a few steps, drop some… You get the idea.
Having a nanny is also quite wonderful, especially since Emily’s sleep has been really rock the last few weeks. Sam has only been letting me put him down, and then Emily ends up with the babies for a long stretch. She can sleep some in the morning, but it doesn’t make up for the lack of a long block. So tonight we’re going to try the old (= three weeks ago) schedule of me staying up and quieting and feeding babies until two or three. We’ll see if it goes okay. Some good news so far this semester is that I don’t have to teach in the morning or at night, which is a nice change after last semester. Linda has just helped with a lot of things. Emily now gets solid blocks of daytime to work, as do I. She’s doing the babies’ clothes, helps with things like cleaning and boiling water, and is a nice resource for logistical questions (How do I do this? How do we get there?). We still have our work cut out for us, but work is again possible.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
The Twins
Since I recently did a Sam entry, it’s only fair to do one on the twins. This morning they both seemed happy and energetic. Babies have a puppy-like energy to them. Their arms and legs still don’t quite coordinate and they jerk, wave, and stretch in curious combinations. Eli had a small (we think) eye infection, but is doing better. I’ve always had eyes that were prone to allergies, so I wonder if it could be something similar.
Linda, the nanny, started Monday, and, wow, she is a dynamo. Clothes are folded, floors are mopped, babies held and fed. Yesterday Linda even made lunch with enough leftovers for dinner. It’s a big relief for Emily, who as I type this is in the office at school back to work on her dissertation. I think that given evenings and mornings and weekends and sick days we get A LOT of kid time, so I am hoping that, as with the much appreciated grandparent visit, this will mostly insure that all of the kids get a lot of attention and we don’t degenerate into chaos and filth. That’s the hope! Thank you for helping hands, arriving just when they are needed.
What else? I think our American retired friends will probably be leaving in the next few days. It’s been great to have them here. There’s also another teacher’s husband who is American on campus now (an old classmate) and is writing his dissertation. His parents were around, so we are getting lots of time with other foreigners. We’re all keeping on here, and are trying to stay positive. I’m still not working as efficiently as I’d like, and probably shouldn’t be blogging, but I think part of my challenge is still to make sense of all that’s happening around me.
Any baby questions? Here’s some recent pictures from our visit to a friend over the New Year.